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Maggie Tsai

Aug 14 ~ Today's Olympics News Roundup - 1 views

  • Yang Wei nails all-around gymnastics gold in style; freestyle swimming rematch goes to France; Federer upset by Blake; Williams sisters both lose; U.S. beach volleyball continues to dominate; baseball and softball disrupted by rain; Indian hero Bindra says gun was tampered with.
Maggie Tsai

Agu 11 ~ Today's Olympics News Roundup - 1 views

  • Lezak helps Phelps win second gold medal in men’s swimming relay; Nadal, Federer and Williams sisters advance in singles tennis; Spanish cyclist Moreno is first doping case; U.S. women's basketball beats China; Japan's Kitajima wins gold in men's breaststroke; 14-year-old diver finishes last.
Maggie Tsai


  • Swimming sensation Michael Phelps has an Olympic recipe for success - and it involves eating a staggering 12,000 calories a day. "Eat, sleep and swim. That's all I can do," Phelps
    • Maggie Tsai
      Wow! 12,000 calories ... per day!
isaac Mao

开幕式,我校杨沛宜演唱了《歌唱祖国》 - 1 views

  •       夜里12点,一个短消息发过来,说那天在开幕式上唱歌的孩子是我们北大附小的学生杨沛怡,于是我马上搜索相关消息,发现在网上有这样一段话:“在8月8日晚举行的北京奥运开幕式上,一支《歌唱祖国》震撼了数十亿观众的心,舞台上的红衣小姑娘林妙可给大家留下了深深的印象,其实这甜美、可人的天籁之音来自另外一位幕后小英雄——北大附小的杨沛宜小朋友。正是两位小朋友的珠联璧合的完美配合让40亿观众得以享受这场视听盛宴,点缀了华美绝伦的北京奥运开幕式。”
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isaac Mao

下一站天后--记杨沛宜小朋友 at 潜云思绪 - 1 views

  • 本次奥运开幕式上演绎《歌唱祖国》的林妙可loli最近被自己人出卖,北京奥运会开幕式音乐总监陈其钢称,8月8日晚开幕式上那首《歌唱祖国》的声音原来并不是来自那位次日登上《纽约时报》的小红星林妙可–那个令亿万观众感动落泪欢呼不已的纯美声音的主人是一位7岁的小女孩杨沛宜。
  • 这是一个神奇的国度,可以为了’形象’而伤害一位纯真的小loli。当我看到杨loli说出:我不遗憾,开幕式上有我的声音已经很满足了 的时候,内心生出一种莫名的怜惜。这么小的孩子,谁忍心伤害?
Maggie Tsai

ESPN - Phelps breaks 200 free world record by nearly a second - Olympics - 1 views

    Swimming champion: Phelps claims place among greatest Olympians ever!
Maggie Tsai

ESPN - Lezak runs down French to win relay gold for U.S. - Olympics - 1 views

  • With history about to slip away and Michael Phelps cheering him on, Jason Lezak pulled up next to the lane rope and set out after hulking Alain Bernard, like a NASCAR driver drafting down the backstretch at Daytona.
  • By a fingertip.Lezak, the oldest man on the U.S. swimming team, pulled off one of the great comebacks in Olympic history Monday morning, hitting the wall just ahead of Bernard in the 400 freestyle relay, a race so fast it actually erased two world records.
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      USA Relay Team Shaun Botterill/Getty Images From left: Americans Cullen Jones, Jason Lezak, Michael Phelps and Garrett Weber-Gale pose with the gold medal during the medal ceremony for the men's 4x100 freestyle relay.
      Amazing race!
    Maggie Tsai

    Official site of Michael Phelps-2004 USA Olympic Team Member and World Record Holder - 1 views

      Go Michael!
    Maggie Tsai

    The Olympics & Social Media Marketing - ReadWriteWeb - 1 views

    • Our first post discussed how online video will be a big part of this Olympics, which is great for consumers. The Web can also be a boon for brands too, when it comes to major sporting events.
    isaac Mao

    青石板: 开幕式没有歌声的翅膀 - 0 views

    •        总之,缺乏内在骨气与个人硬朗,没有对于文化内涵的新挖掘和新诠释。于是,眼花缭乱的文化大观之后,竟然找不到任何通道与接口,引向现代体育。文质彬彬与竞技精神的“链接”在哪里呢?我找不到。
    isaac Mao

    CCTV的导演和导播和摄影太二了,让你另一个角度见识下开幕式的精彩。 - 0 views

    shared by isaac Mao on 10 Aug 08 - Cached
    A. D. liked it
    • 火炬点燃的一瞬间给的是左下角仰拍镜头,居然不给正面镜头,根本就看不全李宁点燃导火绳-火炎盘绕火炬-火炎轰燃主火盆的壮观的场面!
    A. D.

    低调的MVP科比才是梦八队最耀眼的巨星 - 0 views

    • 身在如今的梦八,科比是那么地低调。这种低调,甚至让人有些捉摸不透。   在澳门的两场比赛,科比总共只得到20分,甚至都没詹姆斯一场比赛得分多。两场比赛,科比的场均出手只有7次,和 NBA动辄20次以上的出手更是无从相比。   不是科比不想出彩,而是科比深知责任重大,三十岁而立之年,和当年的乔丹一样,踏上奥运战场。只是比起自己的偶像飞人乔丹,科比肩上的使命感无疑更大。   梦八群星荟萃,球队汇聚了十几位NBA炙手可热的明星。身在其中,科比是蛟龙,却不是惟一的龙头。03一代的詹姆斯和安东尼各有绝招,他们是球队进攻的脉搏。基德是梦之队的元老,在他参加的国际大赛上,美国男篮从未输球,他是全队协调的中枢神经。还有已从伤势中恢复过来的韦德,上赛季闪闪发亮的控卫双星保罗和德隆……用美国同行的一句话说就是,这支梦八最恐怖的地方就是每个人都具备了单打的能力。   既然如此,科比早已明白自己的工作,就像他说的那样,那就是竭尽全力去防守。去年的美洲锦标赛上,梦八的得分王是安东尼,第二得分点是詹姆斯,第三得分手才轮到了科比。但科比在防守上的贡献理应得到嘉许,几乎所有被他防守的球员都深陷囹圄般状态糟糕。其中最典型的是“巴西闪电”巴博萨,在和梦八的比赛里,这位巴西的头号得分手全场只得到4分,赛后,提到科比,他无奈摇摇头,吐着唾沫星子在那里说:“太疯狂了,实在是太疯狂了……”
    A. D.

    Photo: Men's 60 kg preliminary judo bout_The Games of the 29th - 1 views

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