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Project-Based Learning: A Case for Not Giving Up | Edutopia - 1 views

    Project-based learning can pose challenges for teachers as well as students, especially when both are new to this approach. As Bianca discovered, some Project management skills may need to be taught explicitly. Formative assessment has to happen early and often, and a teacher needs to be ready with support for students who are struggling. Handing over responsibility to the learner happens gradually, not all at once. Good Projects -- like real-life challenges -- also teach us about persistence. Figuring out what to do if you encounter challenges is part of the learning experience.

Let Kids Rule the School - - 0 views

    I recently followed a group of eight public high school students, aged 15 to 17, in western Massachusetts as they designed and ran their own school within a school. They represented the usual range: two were close to dropping out before they started the project, while others were honors students. They named their school the Independent project. The students in the Independent project are remarkable but not because they are exceptionally motivated or unusually talented. They are remarkable because they demonstrate the kinds of learning and personal growth that are possible when teenagers feel ownership of their high school experience, when they learn things that matter to them and when they learn together. In such a setting, school capitalizes on rather than thwarts the intensity and engagement that teenagers usually reserve for sports, protest or friendship.

Project-Based Learning Strategies and Research for Educators - 0 views

    Defines PBL and provides research, project guides, resources, and examples. 
1More An online charity connecting you to classrooms in need - 0 views

    An online charity through which public school teachers can post classroom projects and choose the ones for which they choose to donate. When the project reaches its funding goal , delivers the requested materials to the school.

School Tech: 6 Important Lessons From Maine's Student Laptop Program - 1 views

    It's been about 10 years since Maine implemented its initiative, and while at least 33 states had experimented with one-to-one computing projects by 2007, none have reached the scope of Maine's project. As jobs and life increasingly involve computers, it's clear that in order to remain relevant to students, schools will need to adopt more technology. Here are six lessons about doing so successfully, taken from Maine's initiative.

Showcase | Science Leadership Academy - 1 views

    Examples of projects that SLA has done. Each one has a little description and some have attached UbD unit plans, student work, etc.

Wikispaces Blog » Blog Archive » Featured wiki: BookTrailersforReaders - 0 views

    This is a best practices example of Wikispaces for an English course or a reading club. This looks like the 21st Century skills and project based learning we have been toying around with

Welcome to Aviary - 0 views

    For this creative projects you have you may want to direct students to this site. It has a suite of free software that can enhance presentations and even pave the way toward digital storytelling (if that's where you're looking to go).

theunquietlibrarian - media21capstone-buffy - 0 views

    Buffy Hamilton's wiki space for her Media 21 Project. She shares her planning, collaboration, and student sample resources. 

Replicating Another School's Success: One Teacher's Story | Edutopia - 3 views

    One teacher goes with PBL.

ePals Global Community - 1 views

    use for CWS classes

CISSL - 7 views

  • Educators who use the KWL framework (Ogle, 1986), like those using project based learning, are well on their way to teaching thorough Guided Inquiry.  They ask their students, What do I know? (K); What do I want to learn? (W); and What did I learn? (L). 
  • Motivation and interest are key elements in inquiry learning
  • Extending KWL Questions for Guided Inquiry
    Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st Century Carol C. Kuhlthau, Leslie K. Maniotes, and Ann K. Caspari Introduction to Guided Inquiry - what is it, what's new, why now?
    Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st Century

Instructional Media Center: Twitter: What will you say in 140 characters? - 0 views

  • Twitter is a form of "mircroblogging" similar to status updates in Facebook except you do not need to be invited or approved as a friend (although you do have the power to change that).  You are limited to 140 characters. 

The Best Places Where Students Can Write For An "Authentic Audience" | Larry Ferlazzo's... - 0 views

  • I’ve been spending time over this past year reflecting and evaluating on how I can be more effective in teaching writing — both to English Language Learners and my mainstream ninth-grade students.  In fact, all the English teachers at our school have been doing the same thing.  Our school got a grant that enabled us to contract with the California Writing Project to do ongoing teacher development.

Canvas for OneNote - 1 views

    A really cool way to look at your work in OneNote.  This add in allows you to see all of your pages at once from a "bird's eye view".

The celebrity tattoos that have sparked a Latin craze among schoolchildren | Mail Online - 1 views

    • Greg Gichan
      How do we make this into a class project? What about this: "Now class, we are going to tatoo ourselves. Here's a list of famous Latin Sayings. Does anyone know how to put permanent tatoos on their bodies?"
  • Celebrity Latin tattoos may be fuelling a revival of the ancient language in schools, it emerged today.
  • Her tattoo, 'Quis attero mihi tantum planto mihi validus', which is etched on to her shoulder, is intended to translate as 'To diminish me will only make me stronger'
  • ...2 more annotations...
    • Greg Gichan
      Omnes hoc proverbium sciunt. Sed est initium.
  • 'Carpe Diem'
    This comes under the topic "Shameless Promotion."
    Or perphaps we can use this to start a dialogue. Quid putatis, discipuli, de notionibus imaginum ex atramentis permanentibus ponendarum in corporibus vestris? Si homines - et femini et masculini possunt hoc facere, quidni vos ipsi.
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