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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Rhondda Powling

Rhondda Powling

Free Technology for Teachers: Three Helpful Gmail Settings for Students and Teachers - 16 views

    "A post about the new (to some users) Gmail setting called "Undo Send" prompted a few questions to appear in Richard Byrne's email. To address those questions he recorded the following video containing an overview of three helpful Gmail settings for students and teachers. The video covers using Gmail offline, setting the "undo send" grace period, and setting the "reply v. reply all" default function."
Rhondda Powling

A NEW Google Drive CHEAT SHEET - Shake Up Learning - 29 views

    Google Drive has changed so this cheat sheet was updated. The drive window was divided into four sections to make it easier to read. The keyboard shortcuts are in a separate document so you can download them as well.
Rhondda Powling

The Best 10 Google Docs Tips For Teachers As They Go Back To School - 49 views

    A list of 10 different ways to teachers use Google docs with some simple examples explained. These could easily be adapted for a variety of different classroom extensions
Rhondda Powling

Google Search Tips (Ultimate Google Guide) - 31 views

    The Ultimate Google Guide can help you to improve your search results and SERP analysis with less-known search Tips First Things First In there are some less-known google operators and search tips
Rhondda Powling

Google Librarian Central - Tools - 0 views

    Posters/handouts to help teach your students and patrons how to use Google more effectively: posters, bookmarks, starter guides.. etc for many of the google tools
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