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Browse Groups By Category: Computers & Internet (totally 1427)
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Some links associated with social media that may be useful with regard to the application of social media on the ISSUES project as well as internally as a source of information dissemination.
Bibliografía de la asignatura Fundamentos de Ingeniería del Software
A group for collecting and sharing knowledge around mobile trends
A group dedicated to the technology and best practices for developing and delivering effective learning content to mobile devices including smartphones and tablets---all makes and all sizes
Grupo de aprendizaje y discusión en el ámbito de las Redes y Servicios de Banda Ancha. Este grupo está originalmente formado por profesores y alumnos de la Escola de Enxeñería de Telecomunicación...
The Dialup Dragons Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A new breed ICS 106 (Introduction to Basic Computer) for the College of the Marshall Islands -- starting Fall 2011.
Sur les outils et process de curation
Recherche et mutualisation des méthodes d'animation sur le champ des pratiques numériques trouvées sur la toile
Hier kommt alles rein, was einem Laien hilft besser mit HTML/CSS umzugehen.
Com fer blogs, webs, i eines diverses de socialmedia i recursos.
Nagarro is a multinational information technology services company headquartered in Silicon Valley,USA. It is one fastest growing IT companies, with development center in Gurgaon, India and five office...
Fent Castells als núvols Apropament al Cloud Computing
This group is for Black Friday 2012 Deals. We found many product and show it for you.