Could coding be the next mass profession? - 2 views
Gary Edwards on 05 Jan 12Interesting theory, but can you really train a Java developer in under 3 months? Great list of training services provided in this blog. excerpt: They're handing out Gutenberg printing presses out there: with services like Treehouse ( and Codecademy ( (and its expertly-timed year of code), countless university courses free online, Google Code University (, the warm embrace of Stack Overflow, in-person courses like Dev Bootcamp (, summer camps for kids, even the promise of a one-day result with Decoded ( (the six-minute abs of learning to code), and great organizations like CodeNow ( reaching out to teach code in underserved communities. I'm sure I've left many out. Treehouse ( Codecademy ( Google Code University ( Dev Bootcamp ( Decoded ( CodeNow (