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Home/ Matematicas-Compartidas/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by BTerres

Contents contributed and discussions participated by BTerres


Selectividad Matemáticas - Educared - Eduardo Ramos -Wikillerato - 4 views

    Completa colección de ejercicios de matemáticas PAU resueltos paso a paso y que se pueden insertar en tu web con un diseño atractivo.

Möbius strip - 4 views

    Pasteles, engranajes, barcos, edificios... Todos con la cinta de Möebius como eje central.

Escuadra y cartabón - 6 views

    Una web interactiva con la que se puede practicar el uso de regla, escuadra, cartabón y transportador.

sailing - 6 views

    Juego para calcular ángulos. Tres niveles de dificultad en función de la precisión pra estimar el ángulo, los valores máximos y mínimos (menores de 90, menores de 180 y hasta 360º)

Videos - 3 views

    Math Pickle is a nice site for locating videos and exercises appropriate for teaching a variety of mathematics concepts at a variety of grade levels. When you visit Math Pickle you can browse for videos by grade level. Once you've selected a grade level you can then refine your browsing to a particular concept. Each concept has a demonstration video and links to Keynote and Powerpoint files for teachers. Each concept also has links to PDF worksheets that you can download and print.

Esa raíces tan … cuadradas | Mati, una profesora muy particular - 6 views

    Cómo calcular raíces cuadradas usando el algoritno de Newton-Rapson 

Algebra 1 Teachers: How to put math/science symbols and equations (almost) anywhere - 2 views

    Pistas para escribir símbolos matemáticos y ecuaciones en una gran variedad de aplicaciones: Open Office, como caracter ASCII, Google Docs, Microsoft, etc.

Free Technology for Teachers: 3DTin - Create 3D Models in Your Web Browser - 4 views

    3DTin is a free web-based program for creating three dimensional models. 3DTin provides templates that you can use to develop models or you can build a model completely from scratch. The service is completely free to use as long as you allow your models to be labeled with a Creative Commons license and put in the 3DTin gallery. The gallery is a great place is to find examples of what can be created in 3DTin. Models that you create can be exported for use in other modeling software.
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