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Remco Mathews

How to Get Motivation for Weight Loss - 0 views

wieght to losing and your Weight Loss Motivation living healthy

started by Remco Mathews on 10 Jun 12
  • Remco Mathews

    Bottom line, you do not have to do the same ol' boring stuff when it comes to living healthier. Mix it up slightly, try things out, and do whatever needs doing (that makes you happy and motivated) to maintain healthier!
    When I was growing up in England, there was clearly a road safety strategy for kids called 'stop, look and listen after you cross the road'. These folks were the three things which were drummed into me with both home and the school. I thought of this phrase again today in regards to motivation for weight loss and addressing your ideal weight. But for it to work, we'd have to change the campaign to help 'Don't Stop! Don't Look! Don't Listen! '. Before you think I'm crazy, well then, i'll explain.

    It's precisely these three things : STOPPING, LOOKING & LISTENING - that cause most people to fail in their efforts to lose weight and keep that off.

    Weight loss Motivation Tip #1: Don't Cease!

    Experiments show that within a few months of starting a 'paid for' weightloss routine, more people have dropped out than have ongoing. That is, over half of the people who started a diet they paid their hard-earned dollars that you follow, have stopped and given up within 3 months. Keep in mind that people who actually pay to undertake a weight loss program are likely to be more motivated than those who are at home doing it alone.

    All long-term data on diets demonstrates no one diet provides improvement over the other. The trouble is, most people give up on a diet within a couple weeks and think the diet hasn't worked. But if you happen to could just follow the idea through, you are almost certain to lose weight. I know this is simpler said then done nevertheless really it's about keeping going to and through the finish line that's the key to success. The first tip is to find an approach you know you can stick to help, so you don't stop before you decide to reach your goal.

    Weight loss Motivation Tip #2: Don't Glimpse!

    The net is a blessing in addition to a curse. When it relates to dietary advice and weight loss tips, it's probably more the latter in comparison to the former. Within seconds, it's possible to have at your fingertips every single piece of information you might want to start losing weight or eating more healthily. Looks great, but it's not necessarily. It leads to total overwhelm, confusion, bewilderment together with uncertainty. In just several short minutes, you can go from your highly intelligent self to being filled with self-doubt, unable to begin to see the weight loss woods for the dieting trees.

    The other tip is to fix looking for the definitive guide on losing weight and eating healthily because it doesn't exist. If you can't even get experts, the medical profession and government organisations to agree, what hope do you've got of 'certainty'? The more you research the web for the hidden secret, the more you'll simply stall in taking action. losing weight and your motivationHow we get motivated to lose weight has to because of within if it will be effective.

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