Wearing of glass jewelry was a huge part of the ancient fashion of several civilizations. Today, several individuals practice making and wearing glass jewelry pieces for a similar perception which might be for attractive and recovery functions.
Although not as prominent in alternative healing, some people still use glass in their therapy sessions due to the energy contained in them which people perceived to possess healing properties. Experts believe that glass possesses unique vibrations which are comparable to other natural occurring minerals. It is because glass taps all four elements and this is the reason why it possesses vibrations due to the energies involved in making glass.
Furthermore, some experts promote glass as healing vessels due to its amazing colors. It is because colors have power over us and this is what experts take advantage when using glass in their healing sessions. For example, the Ruby Glass is said to influence our emotions. People who own Ruby Glass jewelry is expected to gain courage, endurance and energy due to the color of the glass. Moreover, it has the capacity to influence our mind so that we can be more decisive and strong-willed when it comes to decisions.
Another popular type of color manufacturers take advantage is the blue glass. Blue glass beads are quite well-known on this discipline which might be witnessed in necklaces and bracelets as a result of its good luck charm which the blue glass provides to the wearer. It also brings comfort and silence while it has power that reduces stress and emotional problem. Moreover, blue glass is believed to have a positive effect on our bones, kidneys, and mind. source
Lastly, jewelry pieces using green glass are good for individuals who are bewildered. It is because the green glass has the capacity to get rid of all negative emotions from our body. Wearing a piece made from green glass can actually lead to a clear mind.
Overall, the usage of glass jewelry is without a doubt a good means of healing weary and tired body. The colours usually are not only a exhibit of vibrancy but they also act as curative agents. guardian angel charms
If someone offers you a piece of jewelry and says that you should wear it because it has cleansing properties, you would immediately think that the person is making an absurd claim. It is because there aren't strong scientific evidences that would back up such claims. But the lack of scientific evidence does not totally dismiss the argument of certain stones possessing healing qualities. It would only mean that as of the moment, scientists haven't found the right apparatus to measure these claims in order to prove whether the healing properties of these stones are true or not.
Although lacking some strong evidences, usage of stones and other earth minerals to heal our body is very common these days. In fact, this method was not invented several years ago, this kind of therapy was popular ever since man started treating sick people. Records have shown different cultures practicing the use of healing stones even before modern medicine was invented. This is the reason why in spite of lack of evidence, many people believe that the stones and minerals found in nature can actually restore balance in our body.
One of the popular stones used by experts in gem therapy is the Turquoise. The stone is considered in the industry as a master healer which also takes the dubbed as the stone of heaven. It is believed to be capable of eliminating bad energy while it harnesses positive force so that our body can utilize it. In addition, the stone also protects and aligns our chakras thereby strengthening our body in the process. energy wrap
Another stone which supplies good energy to our body is the Sodalite. It is a stone with healing properties which target the mind so that we feel calm all day. It strengthens our aura while it protects our mind from negative energy present in our surroundings. Meanwhile, the Agate is capable of removing blockages from within our body so that the positive energy can flow properly. These two stones can promote an amazing and vibrant health.
You can find all of these magnificent stones which is available as necklaces in Energy Muse. The company saw the positive effects of these stones to our body which they thought that could be enhanced more if combined together.
Energy Muse Bracelet 101
Wearing of glass jewelry was a huge part of the ancient fashion of several civilizations. Today, several individuals practice making and wearing glass jewelry pieces for a similar perception which might be for attractive and recovery functions.Although not as prominent in alternative healing, some people still use glass in their therapy sessions due to the energy contained in them which people perceived to possess healing properties. Experts believe that glass possesses unique vibrations which are comparable to other natural occurring minerals. It is because glass taps all four elements and this is the reason why it possesses vibrations due to the energies involved in making glass.
Furthermore, some experts promote glass as healing vessels due to its amazing colors. It is because colors have power over us and this is what experts take advantage when using glass in their healing sessions. For example, the Ruby Glass is said to influence our emotions. People who own Ruby Glass jewelry is expected to gain courage, endurance and energy due to the color of the glass. Moreover, it has the capacity to influence our mind so that we can be more decisive and strong-willed when it comes to decisions.
Another popular type of color manufacturers take advantage is the blue glass. Blue glass beads are quite well-known on this discipline which might be witnessed in necklaces and bracelets as a result of its good luck charm which the blue glass provides to the wearer. It also brings comfort and silence while it has power that reduces stress and emotional problem. Moreover, blue glass is believed to have a positive effect on our bones, kidneys, and mind.
Lastly, jewelry pieces using green glass are good for individuals who are bewildered. It is because the green glass has the capacity to get rid of all negative emotions from our body. Wearing a piece made from green glass can actually lead to a clear mind.
Overall, the usage of glass jewelry is without a doubt a good means of healing weary and tired body. The colours usually are not only a exhibit of vibrancy but they also act as curative agents.
guardian angel charms
If someone offers you a piece of jewelry and says that you should wear it because it has cleansing properties, you would immediately think that the person is making an absurd claim. It is because there aren't strong scientific evidences that would back up such claims. But the lack of scientific evidence does not totally dismiss the argument of certain stones possessing healing qualities. It would only mean that as of the moment, scientists haven't found the right apparatus to measure these claims in order to prove whether the healing properties of these stones are true or not.
Although lacking some strong evidences, usage of stones and other earth minerals to heal our body is very common these days. In fact, this method was not invented several years ago, this kind of therapy was popular ever since man started treating sick people. Records have shown different cultures practicing the use of healing stones even before modern medicine was invented. This is the reason why in spite of lack of evidence, many people believe that the stones and minerals found in nature can actually restore balance in our body.
One of the popular stones used by experts in gem therapy is the Turquoise. The stone is considered in the industry as a master healer which also takes the dubbed as the stone of heaven. It is believed to be capable of eliminating bad energy while it harnesses positive force so that our body can utilize it. In addition, the stone also protects and aligns our chakras thereby strengthening our body in the process.
energy wrap
Another stone which supplies good energy to our body is the Sodalite. It is a stone with healing properties which target the mind so that we feel calm all day. It strengthens our aura while it protects our mind from negative energy present in our surroundings. Meanwhile, the Agate is capable of removing blockages from within our body so that the positive energy can flow properly. These two stones can promote an amazing and vibrant health.
You can find all of these magnificent stones which is available as necklaces in Energy Muse. The company saw the positive effects of these stones to our body which they thought that could be enhanced more if combined together.