In females, a vaginal mesh support may be used to fix pelvic organ prolapse, which can happens when pelvic internal organs fall out of position, by sewing the connective tissue in the vaginal wall muscle together again.
Just how can TVM injure me?
Transvaginal Mesh has been reported to cause quite a few dangerous issues, to include reports of infection, pain, urinary problems and bowel, bladder or blood-vessel perforations. Women have also documented continued prolapse, issues with erosion, creating the need for additional surgery to try to eliminate the surgical mesh which eroded into the vagina.
The Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning against synthetic transvaginal mesh.
I'm not sure if this was used during my pelvic organ prolapse procedure. What should I do?
Synthetic Transvaginal Mesh complications range from mesh erosion, pain, infection, bleeding, painful intercourse, organ perforation, and urinary problems.
Patients who have had vaginal mesh surgery for pelvic organ prolapse are happy with their surgery and are not having problems or symptoms, do not need to take any action besides getting regular check-ups with their physician.
Patients with complications or side effects following a an operation should notify theirhealth care provider. If you are still concerned and not sure if your doctor used a mesh and/or do not know what kind of mesh was used in your operation, do not hesitate to contact the health care provider who handled your procedure to ask any questions you might have. You could also get in touch with a transvaginal mesh lawyer to discuss your legal rights.
I was recently diagnosed with pelvic organ prolapse and my physician suggested transvaginal mesh as a treatment option. Exactly what should I do?
There are generally several treatment alternatives for pelvic organ prolapse. They include non-surgical options (i.e. native tissue or biologic graft vaginal repairs), stomach or laparoscopic mesh procedures and TVM placement. You should feel comfortable with your decision and make certain you completely understand the risks involved.
The transvaginal mesh lawyers at the Strom Law Firm, LLC can offer help and support to women who received a tvm sling, or transvaginal tape system and thereafter suffered injuries including mesh erosion, infections, pain, and even reoccurrence of urinary incontinence.
We are transaginal mesh attorneys who offer help and support to those who were given a transvaginal mesh sling, or transvaginal tape system due to pelvic organ prolapse and as a result have sustained injuries including mesh erosion, infections, pain, and even reoccurrence of urinary incontinence. Painful sexual intercourse is an additionalanother unpleasant complication. Unfortunately, there are many ways this medical unit can disrupt and destroy your life. We are here to try and help. No-one can fix what happened, but we can do our best to get you the money you are entitled to.
The information you get at this site is not, nor is it intended to serve as, legal advice. You need to seek advice from an attorney for guidance regarding your individual situation. This article is not intended to and will not create an attorney-client relationship.
J.P.Strom, Jr. P.A. Strom Law Firm, LLC 2110 Beltline Boulevard Columbia, South Carolina 29204
In females, a vaginal mesh support may be used to fix pelvic organ prolapse, which can happens when pelvic internal organs fall out of position, by sewing the connective tissue in the vaginal wall muscle together again.
Just how can TVM injure me?
Transvaginal Mesh has been reported to cause quite a few dangerous issues, to include reports of infection, pain, urinary problems and bowel, bladder or blood-vessel perforations. Women have also documented continued prolapse, issues with erosion, creating the need for additional surgery to try to eliminate the surgical mesh which eroded into the vagina.
The Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning against synthetic transvaginal mesh.
I'm not sure if this was used during my pelvic organ prolapse procedure. What should I do?
Synthetic Transvaginal Mesh complications range from mesh erosion, pain, infection, bleeding, painful intercourse, organ perforation, and urinary problems.
Patients who have had vaginal mesh surgery for pelvic organ prolapse are happy with their surgery and are not having problems or symptoms, do not need to take any action besides getting regular check-ups with their physician.
Patients with complications or side effects following a an operation should notify theirhealth care provider. If you are still concerned and not sure if your doctor used a mesh and/or do not know what kind of mesh was used in your operation, do not hesitate to contact the health care provider who handled your procedure to ask any questions you might have. You could also get in touch with a transvaginal mesh lawyer to discuss your legal rights.
I was recently diagnosed with pelvic organ prolapse and my physician suggested transvaginal mesh as a treatment option. Exactly what should I do?
There are generally several treatment alternatives for pelvic organ prolapse. They include non-surgical options (i.e. native tissue or biologic graft vaginal repairs), stomach or laparoscopic mesh procedures and TVM placement. You should feel comfortable with your decision and make certain you completely understand the risks involved.
The transvaginal mesh lawyers at the Strom Law Firm, LLC can offer help and support to women who received a tvm sling, or transvaginal tape system and thereafter suffered injuries including mesh erosion, infections, pain, and even reoccurrence of urinary incontinence.
We are transaginal mesh attorneys who offer help and support to those who were given a transvaginal mesh sling, or transvaginal tape system due to pelvic organ prolapse and as a result have sustained injuries including mesh erosion, infections, pain, and even reoccurrence of urinary incontinence. Painful sexual intercourse is an additionalanother unpleasant complication. Unfortunately, there are many ways this medical unit can disrupt and destroy your life. We are here to try and help. No-one can fix what happened, but we can do our best to get you the money you are entitled to.
The information you get at this site is not, nor is it intended to serve as, legal advice. You need to seek advice from an attorney for guidance regarding your individual situation. This article is not intended to and will not create an attorney-client relationship.
J.P.Strom, Jr. P.A. Strom Law Firm, LLC 2110 Beltline Boulevard Columbia, South Carolina 29204
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TVM Lawsuit
Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit