Should you be involved in an automobile accident with another automobile or pedestrian, never leave the scene of the automobile accident. Leaving the scene of an accident could subject you to criminal prosecution even when the accident is not your fault.
Stop your truck and try your best to avoid endangering anyone. One you have made sure that everyone is ok, and no one is hurt, try and warn oncoming traffic with flares, reflectors, or a flashlight. When possible, place a person to flag down approaching motor vehicles to alert them concerning the accident.
What should I do immediately after an accident?
first. In the event you or anyone else is harmed, call 911. Don't attempt to be a hero. If you're injured, you should seek medical treatment. If your injuries do call for medical attention, be sure to follow your physician's advice.
2. It is very important so we'll say it again: Contact law enforcement. Whenever possible, obtain a copy of the police incident report.
step 3. If you're not injured and able, try to make information of all the important details of the actual scene. Even though time might feel like it stops immediately after an accident, witnesses can quickly leave the scene, and law enforcement will want to clear the area. Take action immediately to:
-secure contact information, such as the name, address, phone number, and auto insurance coverage for the other driver,
-What to do in the event that you are hit by uninsured driver?
-identify and secure contact info for all witnesses, including name, address, and telephone number. If at all possible, get a quick statement from the witness while the automobile accident is still fresh in their mind. Memories fade and a suit may not be brought until long after the accident occurs,
-note the make, design, color of the other car or truck or perhaps automobiles involved in the accident.
Once you're safe and sound, jot down any additional notes you can concerning the accident such as information regarding the area and the way the car accident occurred. If it may help, take a picture of the scene.
4. Never volunteer any kind of details regarding who's going to be at fault. Leave the obligation of setting fault for the crash on law enforcement. If the other driver admits that she / he is at fault, write down the dialogue.
5. For those who have a mobile phone or possibly a digital camera, take pictures of the scene. It wouldn't be considered a bad idea to have a disposable camera inside your glove box. Law enforcement will work to clean up the automobile accident scene as fast as possible. A image of the accident just after it occurs may possibly prove to be invaluable later on. Following the Crash
In case you are harmed, the best thing you can do is speak to your doctor and follow his/her suggested course of treatment.
Have questions? The SC Car accident attorneys provide a free consultation. Call us today to see how we can help.
Call the South Carolina automobile accident law firm today for a free of charge appointment to talk about the details of your case.
The information you obtain at this website is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice concerning your individual situation. This article is not intended to and does not create an attorney-client relationship.
J.P.Strom, Jr. P.A. Strom Law Firm, LLC 2110 Beltline Boulevard Columbia , South Carolina 29204 (803) 252-4800
Should you be involved in an automobile accident with another automobile or pedestrian, never leave the scene of the automobile accident. Leaving the scene of an accident could subject you to criminal prosecution even when the accident is not your fault.
Stop your truck and try your best to avoid endangering anyone. One you have made sure that everyone is ok, and no one is hurt, try and warn oncoming traffic with flares, reflectors, or a flashlight. When possible, place a person to flag down approaching motor vehicles to alert them concerning the accident.
What should I do immediately after an accident?
first. In the event you or anyone else is harmed, call 911. Don't attempt to be a hero. If you're injured, you should seek medical treatment. If your injuries do call for medical attention, be sure to follow your physician's advice.
2. It is very important so we'll say it again: Contact law enforcement. Whenever possible, obtain a copy of the police incident report.
step 3. If you're not injured and able, try to make information of all the important details of the actual scene. Even though time might feel like it stops immediately after an accident, witnesses can quickly leave the scene, and law enforcement will want to clear the area. Take action immediately to:
-secure contact information, such as the name, address, phone number, and auto insurance coverage for the other driver,
-What to do in the event that you are hit by uninsured driver?
-identify and secure contact info for all witnesses, including name, address, and telephone number. If at all possible, get a quick statement from the witness while the automobile accident is still fresh in their mind. Memories fade and a suit may not be brought until long after the accident occurs,
-note the make, design, color of the other car or truck or perhaps automobiles involved in the accident.
Once you're safe and sound, jot down any additional notes you can concerning the accident such as information regarding the area and the way the car accident occurred. If it may help, take a picture of the scene.
4. Never volunteer any kind of details regarding who's going to be at fault. Leave the obligation of setting fault for the crash on law enforcement. If the other driver admits that she / he is at fault, write down the dialogue.
5. For those who have a mobile phone or possibly a digital camera, take pictures of the scene. It wouldn't be considered a bad idea to have a disposable camera inside your glove box. Law enforcement will work to clean up the automobile accident scene as fast as possible. A image of the accident just after it occurs may possibly prove to be invaluable later on.
Following the Crash
In case you are harmed, the best thing you can do is speak to your doctor and follow his/her suggested course of treatment.
Have questions? The SC Car accident attorneys provide a free consultation. Call us today to see how we can help.
Call the South Carolina automobile accident law firm today for a free of charge appointment to talk about the details of your case.
The information you obtain at this website is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice concerning your individual situation. This article is not intended to and does not create an attorney-client relationship.
J.P.Strom, Jr. P.A. Strom Law Firm, LLC 2110 Beltline Boulevard Columbia , South Carolina 29204 (803) 252-4800
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