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Omar James

How To Stop Smoking Weed - Overcoming Social Pressures - 0 views

how to quit smoking weed marijuana addiction help

started by Omar James on 01 Jun 12
  • Omar James
    Marijuana is deceptive and is one of the most used illegal drugs in America. There are more negative consequences and some dangerous side effects that can destroy the life of an individual. Addiction is basically the pattern of using the substance again and again and the increased usage is associated with negative consequences.

    It is necessary to be clear about what is addiction before stopping it. It is the use of substance with an increased intensity and can't live a day without it. As said above that addiction affects body as well as mind, marijuana addiction has consequences on both. What the user needs to be concerned is the primary chemical THC also known as delta-9-tetrathydrocannabinol making the significant factor of the weed. It gets stored in the fatty tissues, sometimes up to ninety days.

    Exercise is the best way to reduce the stress of our life. There are college students also, experimenting with smoking weeds. Till graduation, most have tried and concluded that it is not something for them, others continued even afterwards. A great deal of time is spent in acquiring marijuana high and then recovering.

    Marijuana addiction can have more negative consequences. There is loss of employment, self respect, misuse of finances, relations and family struggles. Craving is hard to overcome but once it is done; the rest of the process becomes easy. The effective way to reduce the intensity of the withdrawing phase is exercising. You need to get out of the couch and fasten your blood pumping in the veins. Spend the enormous amount of energy you have within yourself and experience less anxiety, lethargic feelings and depression. The exercise can fatigue the body and lessen the insomniac characteristics. It is the way of cleansing the body from toxins and metabolic impurities. It has an influence on the detox symptoms.

    To get rid of the addiction, it is necessary to channelize your energies in the right direction. Mediation, exercising and participating in other competitions can help to develop the meaning of life. The withdrawal phase is characterized by mood swings, fatigue, depression and insomnia. When you are self struggling; try to get the support of your family and friends. Avoid parties or gatherings using marijuana. Put away all those factors that make you remind of marijuana even if it is smoking. It helps to avoid temptation.

    Remember, it's your life and you have complete authority to make it or destroy it. It's a great blessing and is totally unfair to make it miserable for you as well as your family. It's just the matter of few days and you will be able to cope with the addiction thing in no time. If you don't want to leave it, nobody can make you do this. Stop this for the sake of your loved ones because tomorrow you will only be left with regret. You have the chance to make your future better, avail the opportunity and create a better environment. With strong will power, nothing is impossible in this world. If you are clear about leaving the marijuana addiction, this is the beginning of new life. Experience what life has new offerings for you. Marijuana is no more than your precious life. marijuana addiction? visit

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