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Tristan Stone

Weightlifting Routine for Naturally Boosting Testosterone Production - 0 views

weight lifting routine strength training powerlifting increase sex drive naturally testosterone with weights libido

started by Tristan Stone on 23 May 12
  • Tristan Stone
  • Never work out the same muscle group two days in a row. This will lead to overtraining, which will actually keep you from gaining any size, and will make your testosterone levels plummet, as well as give you trouble sleeping (which will lead to even more testosterone problems).

  • working out while hungry, tired, without breathing sufficiently or drinking enough water can also lead to overtraining.

  • The main exercises that increase testosterone are compound workouts... workouts using various muscle groups. Leg workouts are especially good for naturally increasing your testosterone production.

  • You want to really push yourself to gain the maximum libido enhancing benefits. Relatively heavy weight to what you can lift (5 or 6 reps max), but always warm up with lighter weight is the best.

  • Remember, for all of these exercises, start with one set with real low weight to warm up your muscles, then jump into heavier weight in the next set, and then slightly heavier till you reach your max... really push your limits each week...

    For instance, I weigh about 155 lbs. and I used to be WEAK... with persistence and dedication I'm now bench pressing 245 and leg pressing well over 500 lbs on a regular basis. I can easily squat 275, when I had first started out at 95 lbs.

    I now feel strong as an ox, have the sex drive of a recently released convict, and I'm going to keep feeling like this till I'm old and grey.

    If you are looking to strengthen your overall manliness, and naturally increase your potency in bed, I can show you how.

    When it comes to increasing your libido, there are a number of guidelines you can follow (that fit easily into your day to day living) that will naturally get your testosterone pumping, and which will turn you into a horny sex high libido and powerful sex drive, testosterone is what makes us men.

    Lifting weights is one of the programs that is done when one wants to develop muscle mass and to improve overall fitness. Some of these routines can be suitable for body building or sports training. Whatever your purpose is, it's best to know that there are different kinds of weight lifting routines that are available.

    A very common weight lifting routine that is used is called the One-Three-Five System. This routine is used by athletes since usually their programs include weight training to improve endurance. This training program will benefit the athlete by developing his strength and power when he is engaged in his sport. The One-Three-Five System is when Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are allocated for weight pressing while the other days of the week are for sports and tactics training.

    Throughout the three days that the athlete is doing weight lifting he will execute a routine of bench presses, sit-ups, military presses, pull-ups and squats. These weight pressing exercises are usually done for mass building and strength training. This will target a specific muscle and through repetition, endurance is achieved. Athletes really need this type of training so that they can execute their skills well. There's no need to enter a gym. This routine will not require any form of fancy equipment. That's why it is preferred by many. Weight Lifting Routines for Men - The Route to the Ideal Male Body?, weight lifting routine, Weight Lifting Routine For Beginners

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