That said, every level of footballer enjoys winning something, even if it's just a bit of silly fun. Regardless of whether your prize giving is held in a field or in a posh club it should be a fun affair and not taken too seriously. Here, we've come up with a few ideas for some fun football trophies.
The Player of the Year
This will be for the member of the team who has stood out throughout the year with regards to efforts, skill and general play. The one who has put that little bit of extra effort in. This is one of the most common and special football trophies and will usually consist of a marble base and a man or woman on top kicking a football. With a trophy like this you will respected by your team mates as it represents power, skill and achievement. Despite the fact it is not made from solid gold, it is still an important piece of memorabilia and will take an important place on or near your mantelpiece or trophy shelf.
The Dependable One
Every team has its Mr or Mrs dependable. These are the people who are always willing to go the extra mile for the team. Although not one of the most prestigious awards, these people play a vital part in a team and need to be recognised for this. Football trophies such as a life ring or Baywatch style life float could be a fun way to present this award. Why? Well, as the theme tune says: "I'll be there, forever and always, I'm always here."
The Class Clown
It is always fun to award the person who has kept the team spirits up throughout the season. This person is the one who will always lift the teams spirits no matter how bad the conditions the score or the other team. Even if you have played the worst match of the season and the other team has thrashed you. For this person the best type of prize would have to be some sort of framed trophy of pop band J.L.S. More importantly though, it would be a truly horrible trophy to receive. Perfect for the jack the lad teammate.
The Australian Football League (AFL) is the most popular sporting league in Australia. Sometimes called Aussie Rules, the League's main competition is the Premiership Cup. In this series, the winning team in the finals series takes home AFL awards that include a cup, a flag and medallions.
The AFL Premiership Cup involves 17 teams from around the country playing 24 rounds starting in March. The team that tops the home and away rounds are given the McClelland Trophy, the League's symbol of minor premiership. The emerging top eight teams fight it out for the two seats in the finals series. The finals series is traditionally held at the Melbourne Cricket Grounds during the last Saturday of September. The team that wins the final game is called the premiership winning team.
A premiership medallion is given to each member of the winning team. A premiership flag, in addition, is like a large pennant that bears the League's logo, the word "Premiers" and the current year. engraved glass, Football trophy
The Player of the Year
This will be for the member of the team who has stood out throughout the year with regards to efforts, skill and general play. The one who has put that little bit of extra effort in. This is one of the most common and special football trophies and will usually consist of a marble base and a man or woman on top kicking a football. With a trophy like this you will respected by your team mates as it represents power, skill and achievement. Despite the fact it is not made from solid gold, it is still an important piece of memorabilia and will take an important place on or near your mantelpiece or trophy shelf.
The Dependable One
Every team has its Mr or Mrs dependable. These are the people who are always willing to go the extra mile for the team. Although not one of the most prestigious awards, these people play a vital part in a team and need to be recognised for this. Football trophies such as a life ring or Baywatch style life float could be a fun way to present this award. Why? Well, as the theme tune says: "I'll be there, forever and always, I'm always here."
The Class Clown
It is always fun to award the person who has kept the team spirits up throughout the season. This person is the one who will always lift the teams spirits no matter how bad the conditions the score or the other team. Even if you have played the worst match of the season and the other team has thrashed you. For this person the best type of prize would have to be some sort of framed trophy of pop band J.L.S. More importantly though, it would be a truly horrible trophy to receive. Perfect for the jack the lad teammate.
The Australian Football League (AFL) is the most popular sporting league in Australia. Sometimes called Aussie Rules, the League's main competition is the Premiership Cup. In this series, the winning team in the finals series takes home AFL awards that include a cup, a flag and medallions.
The AFL Premiership Cup involves 17 teams from around the country playing 24 rounds starting in March. The team that tops the home and away rounds are given the McClelland Trophy, the League's symbol of minor premiership. The emerging top eight teams fight it out for the two seats in the finals series. The finals series is traditionally held at the Melbourne Cricket Grounds during the last Saturday of September. The team that wins the final game is called the premiership winning team.
A premiership medallion is given to each member of the winning team. A premiership flag, in addition, is like a large pennant that bears the League's logo, the word "Premiers" and the current year. engraved glass, Football trophy