Most Americans back the concept of extending health coverage to their low-income neighbors by way of the government's Medicaid plan, unless it means greater expenses for their personal state, according to a new poll.
In a survey released on Tuesday by the nonpartisan Kaiser Family members Foundation, 67 percent of respondents gave a favorable view of President Barack Obama's healthcare reform provision to "expand the present Medicaid plan to cover far more lowincome, uninsured adults."
Help for the thought, which would expand coverage to as numerous as 16 million uninsured Americans, broke sharply along partisan lines. Virtually nine out of ten survey participants who stated they had been Democrats and two-thirds of independents backed the expansion. Six out of ten Republican participants stated they opposed it.
Assistance dropped to 49 percent when poll participants were asked whether they would like to see Medicaid expanded in their residence states, and a slight majority of 52 percent preferred preserving the status quo when pollsters suggested an expansion could price their states more cash.
The results of the poll of 1,227 adults, conducted in July, have a 3 percentage point margin of error.
Medicaid, which is jointly funded by the federal and state governments and overseen by Washington, at the moment covers only narrowly defined groups of poor folks in most U.S. states, which includes parents and pregnant ladies.
Obama's healthcare law, which was upheld as constitutional final month by the U.S. Supreme Court, would expand Medicaid to cover folks with incomes of up to 133 percent of the poverty line. Between 90 percent and 100 percent of the price of expanded coverage would be borne by the federal government.
The high court ruling gave states the ability to opt out of the Medicaid expansion. Several Republican governors have since vowed to do just that whilst deriding the strategy as a expensive expansion of federal bureaucracy.
The governors insist that the expansion will mean higher costs for states and lead to greater taxes or decreased funding for other applications such as education. New Orleans Plantation Tour Reviews
Proponents of reform say the Medicaid expansion would ultimately save money for states, although also saving lives by delivering access to healthcare for those who need it.
In a survey released on Tuesday by the nonpartisan Kaiser Family members Foundation, 67 percent of respondents gave a favorable view of President Barack Obama's healthcare reform provision to "expand the present Medicaid plan to cover far more lowincome, uninsured adults."
Help for the thought, which would expand coverage to as numerous as 16 million uninsured Americans, broke sharply along partisan lines. Virtually nine out of ten survey participants who stated they had been Democrats and two-thirds of independents backed the expansion. Six out of ten Republican participants stated they opposed it.
Assistance dropped to 49 percent when poll participants were asked whether they would like to see Medicaid expanded in their residence states, and a slight majority of 52 percent preferred preserving the status quo when pollsters suggested an expansion could price their states more cash.
The results of the poll of 1,227 adults, conducted in July, have a 3 percentage point margin of error.
Medicaid, which is jointly funded by the federal and state governments and overseen by Washington, at the moment covers only narrowly defined groups of poor folks in most U.S. states, which includes parents and pregnant ladies.
Obama's healthcare law, which was upheld as constitutional final month by the U.S. Supreme Court, would expand Medicaid to cover folks with incomes of up to 133 percent of the poverty line. Between 90 percent and 100 percent of the price of expanded coverage would be borne by the federal government.
The high court ruling gave states the ability to opt out of the Medicaid expansion. Several Republican governors have since vowed to do just that whilst deriding the strategy as a expensive expansion of federal bureaucracy.
The governors insist that the expansion will mean higher costs for states and lead to greater taxes or decreased funding for other applications such as education. New Orleans Plantation Tour Reviews
Proponents of reform say the Medicaid expansion would ultimately save money for states, although also saving lives by delivering access to healthcare for those who need it.