Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 Tutorials - The Way To Create A Greeting Card Personalized greeting cards based on your own photographs make a fantastic way to show family and friends how much you care - a really attractive card may spend months on a loved one's mantelpiece and might even be framed and displayed with pride. You may include several photos on each page of a greeting card and either print it on your home printer, order prints over the internet, or save it to your harddrive, and then send it via e-mail. Once you have begun your greeting card, the Create tab offers controls for moving between pages, and easy access to layout templates, art work, and effects to assist you to create stylish designs easily and quickly. Choosing a size and theme For this project you will use two photos to make a folded invitation card. 1. In the Organizer, click on Show All in the Find bar over the Media Browser. In the Keyword Tags panel, expand the Imported Keyword Tags category, and click the find box beside the Lesson 04 tag to separate the photos for this Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 lesson. 2. In media Browser, select the images card_1.jpg and card_2.jpg. 3. Click the Create tab over the Task Pane. On the Create tab, click on the Greeting Card button. The Greeting Card window opens. If you do not see file names shown below the thumbnail photos in the Media Browser, ensure that the Details check box in the bar above the browser pane is activated and select View - Show File Names. 4. In the left, the Sizes pane lists size options for various online services; select the 3rd listing under Shutterfly: 7.00 x 5.00 in . (Folded, Landscape). From the Themes pane, choose Colorful. You may use a theme "as is", or as a design template that you can customize. The preview shows that this theme will make an excellent starting-point for our design, with a front page layout occupied by just one photograph. Ensure that Autofill With Chosen Photographs is activated; then, click OK. Even though Sizes pane lists options suitable for numerous web based services, any greeting card may also be printed from your home printer. The choice of online services depends upon your location and your operating system. Photoshop Elements takes a few moments to make the suitable number of pages, put the chosen photos in the template, and create a preview. The card design shows up in the Edit window and the Create tab presents the Pages panel, where you can click the thumbnails to navigate between the pages in your layout. A thumbnail for your as yet untitled photo project appears in the Project Bin. Elements 10 Lessons For Newbies - To get a better summary (including a sample Photoshop Elements video tutorial together with pre and post subject photos) just look at the Learn Adobe Photoshop Elements Now site to get a free newcomers Photoshop Elements Report & Free Elements Suggestions For Beginners On The Web site To Discover Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 Tutorials For Novices And A Free Photoshop Elements 10 Guide And Sample Video Tutorial.
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