Spell checking my websites has never been simple or fun. Looking for spelling errors is slow, painful and involves a lot of manual labor. After finally getting frustrated, I searched for a tool to do this for me and came upon InSite. Using InSite to spell check your website is very easy. Just enter your URL and it will find all your pages and search for misspellings. It's a pretty amazing little app, it found many mistakes on my web site I didn't know were there. I was even able to set it up to open up My text editor for me so that I could modify the web pages it found errors on.
Visit the company (Inspyder) website and get the free trial. You might be impressed when you find out what mistakes are hiding on your site. :)
Visit the company (Inspyder) website and get the free trial. You might be impressed when you find out what mistakes are hiding on your site. :)
web site spell checking, web site spell checking