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churros espanoles

Deforestation Facts, Deforestation Information, Effects of Deforestation - National Geo... - 0 views

  • Deforestation is clearing Earth's forests on a massive scale, often resulting in damage to the quality of the land. Forests still cover about 30 percent of the world’s land area, but swaths the size of Panama are lost each and every year.The world’s rain forests could completely vanish in a hundred years at the current rate of deforestation.
  • Forests are cut down for many reasons, but most of them are related to money or to people’s need to provide for their families.The biggest driver of deforestation is agriculture. Farmers cut forests to provide more room for planting crops or grazing livestock. Often many small farmers will each clear a few acres to feed their families by cutting down trees and burning them in a process known as “slash and burn” agriculture.
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  • Logging operations, which provide the world’s wood and paper products, also cut countless trees each year. Loggers, some of them acting illegally, also build roads to access more and more remote forests—which leads to further deforestation. Forests are also cut as a result of growing urban sprawl.
vito vito

african.gif (680×724) - 0 views

    africa deforestation
miniti velasqus

11 Facts About Global Warming | Do Something - 1 views

  • Since 1990, yearly emissions of carbon dioxide have gone up by about 6 billion metric tons worldwide, which is more than a 20% increase. Almost all of that increase is due to human activities.
  • Carbon dioxide takes 100 years to disperse in the atmosphere. Even if emissions are stopped today, we will still feel the effects for years to come.
  • During the 20th century alone, the average surface temperature of the world has increased by 1.2 to 1.4°F.
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  • 2000-2009 was the hottest decade on record, with eight of the hottest 10 years having occurred since 2000.
  • The World Health Organization blames 150,000 deaths per year on the effects of global warming including extreme weather, drought, heat waves, decreased food production and the increased spread of diseases like malaria.
  • Extreme weather doesn't just mean high temperatures. Global warming is causing more intense rainfall and droughts at the same time across the world.
  • Sea levels have risen between 4-8 inches worldwide during the last century, and experts predict they could rise as much 2 feet in the next 100 years.
  • The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment has concluded that in the past 50 years, the average temperatures of Alaska, eastern Russia and western Canada have increased as much as 7°F. This rise is almost twice the global average.
  • At least 279 species of plants and animals are already responding to global warming, migrating north to escape rising temperatures.
  • Coral reefs are highly sensitive to small changes in water temperature. Scientists say if current CO2 emission trends continue, the world's coral reefs could be virtually destroyed by 2050.
vito vito

[Population growth and global warming: impacts on t... [Parasite. 2009] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

  • Demographic evolution, climatic change and economical development that happened in West Africa during the XXth century had a lot of consequences on human settlement and landscape. These changes have in turn an impact on the pathogenic system of human and animal trypanosomoses. Since last century, the northern tsetse distribution limit has shifted towards the south, probably due to a decrease in rainfall combined to the impact of human pressure. Sleeping sickness (SS) foci have also shifted from the savannah areas (where there is no more SS) to the forest and mangrove areas of West Africa, but animal trypanosomoses are still present in savannah. We show a decrease of tsetse of the morsitans group as a result of an increase of human densities. On the opposite, tsetse species like Glossina palpalis adapt to high human densities and are found in the biggest urban centres of West Africa. There is a need to promote multidisciplinary studies on this demographic-climatic-vector borne disease topic, especially in Africa to be able to define future areas of presence/absence of these diseases in order to help continental plans of control that have recently begun.
    African populatio decrease
vito vito

Air Pollution Facts, Air Pollution Effects, Air Pollution Solutions, Air Pollution Caus... - 1 views

  • Smog hanging over cities is the most familiar and obvious form of air pollution. But there are different kinds of pollution—some visible, some invisible—that contribute to global warming. Generally any substance that people introduce into the atmosphere that has damaging effects on living things and the environment is considered air pollution.Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. Though living things emit carbon dioxide when they breathe, carbon dioxide is widely considered to be a pollutant when associated with cars, planes, power plants, and other human activities that involve the burning of fossil fuels such as gasoline and natural gas. In the past 150 years, such activities have pumped enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to raise its levels higher than they have been for hundreds of thousands of years.Other greenhouse gases include methane—which comes from such sources as swamps and gas emitted by livestock—and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which were used in refrigerants and aerosol propellants until they were banned because of their deteriorating effect on Earth's ozone layer.
    aqui les va deforestacion
Apple Jack

Tropical Deforestation : Feature Articles - 0 views

    • Apple Jack
      this shows the impact of deforestation in tropical forest 
  • mpacts of Deforestation: Biodiversity Impacts Although tropical forests cover only about 7 percent of the Earth’s dry land, they probably harbor about half of all species on Earth. Many species are so specialized to microhabitats within the forest that they can only be found in small areas. Their specialization makes them vulnerable to extinction. In addition to the species lost when an area is totally deforested, the plants and animals in the fragments of forest that remain also become increasingly vulnerable, sometimes even committed, to extinction. The edges of the fragments dry out and are buffeted by hot winds; mature rainforest trees often die standing at the margins. Cascading changes in the types of trees, plants, and insects that can survive in the fragments rapidly reduces biodiversity in the forest that remains. People may disagree about whether the extinction of other species through human action is an ethical issue, but there is little doubt about the practical problems that extinction poses.
Pinky Pie

Deforestation In Rainforest - 0 views

  • It is appalling to know that at one point of time nearly 14.8 billion acre of land was covered with forests. This size has over the years come down to a mere 8.6 billion. Deforestation and the effects of deforestation have taken place in a high scale over the last 50 years. Deforestation in rainforests has primarily been due to cattle grazing, timber industry, and agriculture. Deforestation has taken place in Central America for raising beef to satisfy ever growing human needs. The tropical forests of Central America are facing a huge price for it. The level of carbon dioxide released in the atmosphere is high due to rainforest deforestation. In such cases the trees do not have the ability to absorb the rainfall followed by preventing soil erosion. The next scene is flooding and daily siltation of rivers occurring at such areas. Did you know that rainforests once depleted do not have a chance to restore? Hence, once humans began depleting rainforests it should be likely that they are gone for the rest of this life.
Rodrigo Alfaro

"It's Global Warming, Stupid": As Bloomberg Backs Obama, News Media Ends Silence on Cli... - 0 views

    This is great for our presentation
Jennifer Garcia

Climate change set to make America hotter, drier and more disaster-prone - 1 views

    You might find this useful forbyour research.
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