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Kieth McMahan

Is Iced Tea Better (Healthier) Than Soda? - 0 views

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started by Kieth McMahan on 29 May 12
  • Kieth McMahan
    The reason is, if you are not considering the brand and the quality, you are compromising on the taste. So, this summer, beat the heat with iced tea and say "NO" to soda pops!
    Why should you make your own iced tea?

    This is a question that many would ask when advised that will homemade iced tea is most effective for store bought.

    Many would think it a lot more convenient to go that store, buy the tea already pre-made within a big jug and be done with it. But have you ever thought about what is in that jug? What kind of chemicals and preservatives are in that store bought herbal tea that give its to be able to last for so longer? It is simply not natural once and for all food to last months and years at any given time when it is not frozen or waterless.

    Recently there seemed to be an artist who get a McDonald's hamburger on her shelf, and let it self for months on end. decaffeinated iced tea, raspberry iced teaThis article sets available to answer the question of whether or not iced tea is healthier to drink than soda, and whether or not iced tea is good for you or bad on your behalf. When tea is brewed, the antioxidants are released into the liquid, but they commence to break down from the purpose of brewing. Bottled teas take a seat on the shelf for weeks before they are consumed, allowing the antioxidants to break down to the point where the resulting beverage carries few of the original health benefits.

    Bottled teas can also be loaded with sugar. Whether they are sweetened with regular table sugar (sucrose) or other more processed additives like high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), the sweetener adds empty calories and provides the drink a high glycemic index, which can contribute to obesity and type 2 diabetes. The amount of sugar in bottled teas varies widely, but in general is quite high, and perhaps, is actually higher than sodas. An individual bottled tea, SoBe tea leaf , was even ranked relating to the "20 worst drinks in America" list published just by Men's Health . "Diet" teas may not be necessarily much better: although they have fewer calories since they do not contain sugar, they primarily use artificial sweeteners, synthetic chemicals which have been implicated in alot of negative impacts on health.

    Is instant tea healthier than soda?

    Instant iced tea occupies a zone somewhere within freshly brewed iced herbal tea and bottled teas. These "instant" products are made by pre-brewing the tea leaf, and then dehydrating your resulting brew. Because it can be a dry, powdered product, it will stay fresh longer than bottled tea, which is one advantage both with regard to taste and health. However, these products are noticeably inferior in quality and freshness to loose-leaf tea or simply most tea bags. Furthermore, most of them are generally sweetened, often heavily which means that, raising the same health issues about sugar raised previously mentioned.

    Is actually fresh-brewed, homemade iced tea healthier than soda?

    If this article up to this point has been discouraging to help lovers of iced herbal tea, there is good news on the way.

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